Welcome to Villa Valdosta - established just inside the Belle Aire gates of The Villages, FL in 1999.

Notice to all of our neighbors

While our neighborhood loves its pets, please be advised that there are no open areas within Valdosta.  All grass/landscaping area is someone's private yard and we appreciate it if you keep your pets off of them. And please -- PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET!

We thank you and your pet!

Social Club News

We will be collecting your 2025 Social Dues beginning in November.  Dues are still just $5/pp. Thanks everyone!

You Are Invited To Join
Villa Valdosta's Bunco Night
Held The 2nd Tuesday
Of Each Month At 6:00 PM  
If You Are Interested, Please Contact:
Ruth Lafontaine - 352-775-9936 For Info.

Monthly Socials

Meets at Chatham Recreation Center the 1st Tuesday of each Month.

Scheduled Hostesses for 2025 are:

March:  Flamingo Races (Aggie, Jen, Theresa, and Ann Marie)

April:  Trish O'Meara

May:  Need a host

June:  Ruth and Sharon C.

July:  Joan and Connie

August:  Dee Friend

September:  Michele Hemminger

October:  Need a host

November:  Eileen Patton

December:  Need a host


Ladies Luncheon

Meets at a local restaurant on the 3rd Wednesday of each Month.

Scheduled Hostesses for 2025 are:

February 19th Maxine Brocious

March 19th Anne Marie and Theresa

April 16th Connie Goodnite

May 21st Judie DiFulvio

June 18th Bobbie Evans

July 16th Ingrid Derlis

August 20th Judie DiFulvio

September 17th Ruth and Sharon C.

October 15th  Cindy Clark

November 19th Terry Sage

December 17th Jen Grupp

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